25–27 Nov 2022
Grand Hotel Tettuccio Montecatini
Europe/Rome timezone

Bessas - Fractional total variation denoising model with $L^1$ fidelity

25 Nov 2022, 16:15
Sala Conferenze (Grand Hotel Tettuccio Montecatini)

Sala Conferenze

Grand Hotel Tettuccio Montecatini

Viale Giuseppe Verdi, 74, 51016 Montecatini Terme PT Rif. Google Maps 43.88552633039209, 10.77467048397804


Abstract. Image denoising is a core problem in image processing which has been addressed by several authors by means of different mathematical techniques, among which variational ones have attracted particular interest.
In this talk I will focus on a nonlocal version of the total variation-based model with $L^1$ fidelity for image denoising, where the regularizing term is replaced with the fractional $s$-total variation.
I will discuss regularity of the level sets and uniqueness of solutions, both for high and low values of the fidelity parameter.
I will also analyse in detail the case of binary data given by the characteristic functions of convex sets.

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