Lagrangian fibrations are fibrations of hyperkahler manifolds and orbifolds by abelian varieties. Fibrations by Prym varieties were constructed by Markushevich-Tikhomirov, Arbarello-Sacca-Ferretti, and Matteini. The `spectral curves' of the Markushevich-Tikhmirov and Matteini systems lie in K3 double covers of del Pezzo surfaces of degree two and three, respectively.
In this talk, we consider a Prym fibration in dimension six obtained from spectral curves in a K3 double cover of a degree one del Pezzo. We construct its dual Lagrangian fibration by imitating ideas of Menet, using Pantazis's construction of dual Prym varieties. We speculate on the relation of this (new?) Lagrangian fibration to the Matteini system. This is joint work with Chen Shen.