20–21 Jan 2025
Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Presentation Formats

The conference allows two formats of presentations:

  1. Contributed talk in which to present your research orally,
  2. Poster in A0 portrait format ( 841 mm x 1189 mm, 84.1 cm x 118.9 cm or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches )

In the submission process, you are required to choose one of the two formats, depending on the number of submissions you may be asked - well in advance - to change between the presentation format.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): iterative methods for large-scale linear systems, preconditioning, eigen and singular values, numerical optimization, numerical dynamical systems, mathematics of machine learning, structured matrices, tensors, matrix functions, Krylov methods, randomized linear algebra algorithms, and high-performance computing for matrix computations. Applications include optimization and control, image processing and inverse problems, networks and graphs, machine learning and artificial neural networks, uncertainty quantification, finance, material sciences, life sciences, and industrial processes.


You may write formulae using LaTeX (math mode only) by surrounding them in $...$.

Please insert all the authors of the contribution and clearly highlight who is going to be the speaker / presenter. If you have already attended a conference in Pisa or held a seminar at the Department of Mathematics, your information may already be entered. In this case, try using the search function to recover the data.

To add citations to works, use an environment:

\item[1] D. Thought. The answer to the fundamental question about the universe and everything. The Hitchhiker's Journal of the Galaxy \textbf{4.2}, 1-42 (1942).
The call for abstracts is closed.