20–21 Jan 2025
Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

Preconditioned Low-Rank Riemannian Optimization for Symmetric Positive Definite Linear Matrix Equations

20 Jan 2025, 14:20
Building E (Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa)

Building E

Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa

Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa (Building E)


Ivan Bioli (Università di Pavia)


In this talk we focus on the numerical solution of large-scale symmetric positive definite matrix equations of the form $A_1XB_1^\top + A_2XB_2^\top + \dots + A_\ell X B_\ell^\top = F$, which arise from discretized partial differential equations and control problems. These equations frequently admit low-rank approximations of the solution $X$, particularly when the right-hand side matrix $F$ has low rank. For cases where $\ell \leq 2$, effective low-rank solvers have been developed, including Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) methods for Lyapunov and Sylvester equations. For $\ell > 2$, several existing methods try to approach $X$ through combining a classical iterative method, such as the conjugate gradient (CG) method, with low-rank truncation. In this talk, we consider a more direct approach that approximates $X$ on manifolds of fixed-rank matrices through Riemannian nonlinear CG. A significant challenge is the integration of effective preconditioners into this first-order Riemannian optimization method. We propose novel preconditioning strategies, including a change of metric in the ambient space, preconditioning the Riemannian gradient, and a variant of ADI on the tangent space. Along with a rank adaptation strategy, the proposed method demonstrates competitive performance on a range of representative examples.

[1] Ivan Bioli, Daniel Kressner, and Leonardo Robol. Preconditioned Low-Rank Riemannian Optimization for Symmetric Positive Definite Linear Matrix Equations. Aug. 29, 2024. arXiv:2408.16416[math.NA].

Primary authors

Daniel Kressner (EPFL) Ivan Bioli (Università di Pavia) Leonardo Robol (University of Pisa)

Presentation materials