20–21 Jan 2025
Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

Randomized algorithms for streaming low-rank approximation in tree tensor network format

20 Jan 2025, 15:00
Building E (Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa)

Building E

Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa

Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa (Building E)


Gianfranco Verzella (University of Geneva)


In this work, we present the tree tensor network Nyström (TTNN), an algorithm that extends recent research on streamable tensor approximation, such as for Tucker or tensor-train formats, to the more general tree tensor network format, enabling a unified treatment of various existing methods. Our method retains the key features of the generalized Nyström approximation for matrices, i.e. it is randomized, single-pass, streamable, and cost-effective. Additionally, the structure of the sketching allows for parallel implementation. We provide a deterministic error bound for the algorithm and, in the specific case of Gaussian dimension reduction maps, also a probabilistic one. We also introduce a sequential variant of the algorithm, referred to as sequential tree tensor network Nyström (STTNN), which offers better performance for dense tensors. Furthermore, both algorithms are well-suited for the recompression or rounding of tensors in the tree tensor network format. Numerical experiments highlight the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed methods.

Primary authors

Mr Alberto Bucci (Università di Pisa) Gianfranco Verzella (University of Geneva)

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