20–21 Jan 2025
Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

Higher Order Data Completion for Undersampled Raster Scans in Spectromicroscopy

20 Jan 2025, 16:00
Building E (Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa)

Building E

Aula Magna "Fratelli Pontecorvo", Building E, Polo Fibonacci. Pisa

Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa (Building E)


Silvia Gazzola


In this poster we present a novel iterative algorithm for low rank tensor completion, tailored to the recovering the missing entries in undersampled X-ray spectromicroscopy data, which are used to study material distributions. Compared to established techniques that rely on data matricizations and low-rank matrix completion, the new method allows the selection of robust sampling patterns, tensor multi-rank and undersampling ratio, while minimising the impact of undersampling on the data analysis. Results obtained on real data will be illustrated.

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