This work focuses on computing a few smallest or largest eigenvalues and their corresponding eigenvectors of a large symmetric matrix $A$.
Krylov subspace methods are among the most effective approaches for solving large-scale symmetric eigenvalue problems. Given a starting vector $\mathbf{q}_1$, the $M$-th Krylov subspace is generated by repeatedly multiplying a general square matrix $A$ with $\mathbf{q}_1$:
$$\mathcal{K}_{M}(A,\mathbf{q}_1) := \mathrm{span} \{\mathbf{q}_1, A\mathbf{q}_1, \dotsc, A^{M-1}\mathbf{q}_1\}.$$ An orthonormal basis $Q_{M}$ for the Krylov subspace $\mathcal{K}_{M}(A,\mathbf{q}_1)$ is constructed using the Lanczos process. The Rayleigh--Ritz process is then applied to $Q_{M}$ to extract eigenvalue and eigenvector approximations, known as Ritz values and Ritz vectors. A significant challenge of Krylov subspace methods is the need to store $Q_{M}$. For slow convergence (with respect to $M$), available memory may be exhausted before achieving satisfactory approximations. Popular algorithms for large-scale eigenvalue problems address this issue by combining the Lanczos process with restarting. As an alternative to restarting, this work proposes a novel compression approach based on Rational Krylov subspaces associated with small matrices, limiting the Lanczos method's memory requirements. To provide intuition for our approach, suppose the spectrum of $A$ is ordered such that: $$\lambda_1 \le \cdots \le \lambda_m < \tau < \lambda_{m+1} \le \cdots \le \lambda_n,$$ where a shift $\tau$ separates the smallest $m \ll n$ eigenvalues to be computed from the rest. Let $\chi_\tau(x)$ denote the step function that equals $1$ for $x < \tau$ and $0$ otherwise. In theory, $\chi_\tau(A)\mathbf{q}_1$ serves as a perfect filter: the Lanczos method with this starting vector would yield the exact eigenvalues $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_m$ after $m$ steps for a generic $\mathbf{q}_1$. In practice, however, evaluating $\chi_\tau(A)\mathbf{q}_1$ exactly is computationally infeasible. Instead, a rational approximation of $\chi_\tau$ can be used to compress $\mathcal{K}_{M}(A,\mathbf{q}_1)$. This approach parallels the developments in [2], which employs a rational approximation of a general function $f$ to compress the Lanczos method for approximating $f(A)\mathbf{b}$. To make this compression practical for eigenvalue problems, several additional components are required. Among these, a reorthogonalization procedure is essential, as numerical loss of orthogonality can lead to a failure in convergence.
We present a series of numerical experiments involving matrices from various applications. These experiments demonstrate that, in terms of matrix-vector products, our new method is consistently competitive with or superior to the Krylov--Schur method, often achieving significant improvements.
A. C., D. Kressner, N. Shao. Lanczos with compression for symmetric
eigenvalue problems. In preparation. -
A. C., I. Simunec. A low-memory Lanczos method with rational Krylov
compression for matrix functions. arXiv, 2024.